8 July 2006
As reported in our earlier news story, the London Assembly Environment Committee is asking a number of questions about helicopter ops over the city, including: are helicopter flights over London increasing; how easy it is for the public to complain about helicopter noise; are the Metropolitan Police are doing anything to minimise noise from their helicopter operations; should helicopters fly higher over densely populated areas such as London at all; and (assuming a positive answer to that last question, we imagine) does London need another heliport?
The Committee has now invited a number of expert advisors to make representations at the upcoming consultation meeting, including: Alan Jack (NATS) Andrew Walters (Regional Airports Limited); Chief Superintendent Simon Humphrey (Metropolitan Police Air Service Support Unit); Peter Norton -(British Helicopter Advisory Board); Phil Roberts (CAA); Rob Grafton (London City Airport); and Tim Thomas, of the Aviation Environment Federation
The meeting takes place on 13 July at 10.00 in Committee Room 5 at City Hall. members of the public are welcome to attend and will be able to submit written questions and provide their own views