7 November 2016
Airmate, a free flight planning app for Apple devices, has just been upgraded to include a Plate Manager to download VFR and IFR airport charts in Europe, the US and numerous other countries.
“No subscription is required and charts are automatically updated at every Airac release,” said Daniel Mavrakis of Airmate.
The new Airmate can download airport plates free of charge.
The latest version is Airmate 1.7 and is available on the Apple Store for both iPhone and iPad (images show iPhone). It’s available in English, French and Spanish languages.
Creating a flight plan is very simple on Airmate.
Airmate offers a moving map displaying all aeronautical information, instant access to weather and NOTAM, airport charts, flight log, flight recording and playback. It includes a worldwide AIRAC aeronautical database updated regularly free of charge.