16 May 2013
Aspen Avionics and Avidyne Corporation have announced that Avidyne has received FAA STC approval for installation of the Avidyne DFC90 Digital Autopilot into Beech Bonanza-series aircraft when interfaced with Aspen’s Evolution 1000 Pro Primary Flight Display (PFD).
The approval includes twenty-five models of the Bonanza series, all of which are included on Aspen’s Approved Model List. The Evolution Integration Kit is priced at $1,995 and can be purchased via any Aspen authorised dealer.

The Evolution Integration Kit for the DFC90 enables the PFD to provide precision attitude inputs to the autopilot from its state Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference Sensor (ADAHRS) as well as display mode annunciations and alerts right on the PFD. Additional capabilities include allowing pilots to perform Heading Select, Altitude Preselect, and Vertical Speed Select inputs to the DFC90 directly from the Evolution Pro PFD.

“Thanks to Avidyne’s continued STC effort, we are pleased to share the announcement of this retrofit solution for Beechcraft Bonanza owners,” says Aspen Vice President of Marketing Brad Hayden.
There is no automatic acceptance of FAA STCs by EASA, except under certain limited conditions. The STC will be assessed individually and may need to be separately approved, normally by application for a minor change or by an approved organization under their (Design Organisation Approval (DOA).
<a href=’http://www.avidyne.com’ target=’_blank’>www.avidyne.com</a>
<a href=’http://www.aspenavionics.com’ target=’_blank’>www.aspenavionics.com</a>