10 December 2019
SkyDemon is celebrating its 10th birthday with a tree planting scheme in the first three months of 2020.
“We will be running a trial where for every annual SkyDemon subscription purchased or renewed, we will plant a tree somewhere in Europe or Africa,” said Tim Dawson, boss and founder of the navigation software company.
Tim Dawson first announced SkyDemon was up and running on 3 December 2009 right here, on the FLYER website. Click here to read Tim’s anouncement.
The SkyDemon team celebrating ten years! Founder Tim Dawson is on the right. Top image shows the improved Find function
SkyDemon is the most popular pilot app for navigation and moving map in the UK, and across much of Europe. Part of the reason for its success is that the Somerset-based team keeps developing the product, refining and adding new features – something that’s set to continue.
“2019 has been a year of usability improvements for SkyDemon,” said Dawson.
“We’ve spent lots of time subtly improving features all across the product. This includes reorganising screens containing lots of information, such as the notam briefing or airfield details; and complete overhauls of systems like user waypoints.
“The humble user waypoint has existed in SkyDemon from the very beginning, with hardly any attention. The latest version of SkyDemon adds a number of new symbols for you to choose from, makes it easier to drop them [in place] in flight, and helps those pilots with a large number of user waypoints organise them more efficiently. ”
Other features recently improved are the filing of flightplans and the Find function.
“In the next couple of months we will be enhancing the way SkyDemon works with your cloud storage, making it work more seamlessly and in most cases automatically,” continued Dawson.