
Bicester Motion receives OK for Experience Quarter

Bicester Motion, the company developing and operating Bicester Airfield, has received a ‘positive determination’ from the local planning committee for its next stage.

The Experience Quarter, as the new development is called, “offers a landmark opportunity for Bicester to become a world-leading destination for automotive and aviation culture”.

The Quarter includes an active airfield, driving training and handling tracks as well as walking and cycling trails, and forms part of the wider Bicester Motion masterplan.

Cherwell Planning Committee approved the plan at its 13 January 2022 meeting – this after years of pre-planning discussions and detailed reports.

Bicester Motion is developing four quarters in all: Heritage, Wilderness, Innovation and Experience, in its drive to become a family orientated ‘get outdoors’ site mixed with classic cars and aviation.

Daniel Geoghegan, CEO of Bicester Motion, said, “The Experience Quarter will act as a location for businesses to connect with all-ages, making a range of experiences and motion-based opportunities accessible to all.

“As we continue with the delivery of our masterplan and the wider Bicester Motion site, the Experience Quarter provides the missing link between our historic site and the future, not only of benefit to Bicester and the local area but also of benefit to the UK as a whole.”

Bicester Motion’s 425-acre site will also include a 344-room hotel and conference development.

Bicester Motion



  • Sleeve says:

    Mmmm. Usual platitudes and slick changes to boundaries. The precedent will then be set for further development. The first complaints will come from the conference and hotel development.
    >> The Experience Quarter will act as a location for businesses to connect with all-ages, making a range of experiences and motion-based opportunities accessible to all. << What sort of gobbledegook is that ?
    Only the Government Planning Authorities can stop this canker !

    They can afford to bide their time when there's millions to be made …………

    • jawenold says:

      “The precedent will then be set for further development.”
      Precident is not valid in Planning Law or doctrine. If this retains, enhances and furthers aviation then good. Bringing others into the experience is posative

  • Sleeve says:

    Mmmm. Usual platitudes and slick changes to boundaries. The precedent will then be set for further development. The first complaints will come from the conference and hotel development.
    >> The Experience Quarter will act as a location for businesses to connect with all-ages, making a range of experiences and motion-based opportunities accessible to all. << What sort of gobbledegook is that ?
    Only the Government Planning Authorities can stop this canker !

    They can afford to bide their time when there's millions to be made …………

    • jawenold says:

      “The precedent will then be set for further development.”
      Precident is not valid in Planning Law or doctrine. If this retains, enhances and furthers aviation then good. Bringing others into the experience is posative

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