7 August 2005
The Civil Aviation Authority has announced plans for a strategic review of general aviation in the UK to be carried out by a joint CAA / industry / Government review team. Alex Plant, who is Head of Economic Policy & International Aviation in the CAA’s Economic Regulation Group, will lead the review team. He said: ‘The CAA believes the time is now right for such a review, in the light of Single European Sky developments, the creation of the European Aviation Safety Agency, rapid technological change and the continued growth in commercial air transport. So far the feedback from industry to the review has been overwhelmingly positive.’
Area’s to be covered include identification of trends in the various GA sectors over the past 10 years, analysis of major developments likely to affect GA including airspace changes, new technology, costs, taxes and infrastructure;exploration of issues over access to airports and consideration of methods and effectiveness of consultation between GA interests and the CAA / Government / EASA; and assessment of the implications of GA activities for other airspace users and the community in general – including environmental impacts.
The team will consist of six or seven staff from the CAA, a similar number from the GA community and representatives from the Ministry of Defence and Department for Transport.
Alex Plant added: ‘General aviation is probably far less well-understood by policy-makers than commercial aviation. This review will help to improve understanding and provide a better evidence-base for future policy and regulatory decisions.’
As well as the strategic review of GA, and the previously announced review of the CAA’s Safety Regulation Group’s costs and charges, the CAA also plans to carry out a separate comprehensive review of its regulatory approach to GA, small Air Operators Certificate holders and small aerodromes.