
CHIRP launches new website and App


The Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme is a bit of a mouthful but it has an easily remembered acronym, CHIRP. It’s just been through an extensive refresh to bring it up to date and the result is a just-launched new website and an app.

CHIRP is primarily concerned with safety-related reports about Human Factors and/or Just Culture/Reporting Culture issues.

Reports are varied and wide-rang and include:

  • Human skills
  • Performance and training
  • Rules, procedures and regulations
  • Design and use of aircraft and equipment
  • Communication
  • Workplaces, manpower, organisation and management
  • Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Victimisation (BHDV).

CHIRP says it welcomes safety-related reports from across aviation, including pilots, cabin crew, radio operators and engineers.

Steve Forward, Director of Aviation at CHIRP, explains the latest changes, “We’ve launched a fresh look, a new app and a redesigned website to make reporting to us as easy and as accessible as possible.

“Our brand new online presence has been part of a broader look at how we do what we do, prompted partly by the huge changes the Maritime and Aviation sectors have gone through recently.

“What hasn’t changed is our reliance on people. Without people reporting safety concerns, issues or incidents, we cannot take the steps needed to make improvements.

“That’s why our new website and app are designed to make it as easy as possible for you to report your concerns in confidence.”

Key features of the new approach:

  • The new site makes accessing and filling out reports easier
  • New publications are now web articles, read easily on any device
  • Maritime and Aviation sectors are in the same place
  • Reports can be submitted on the go with the new app
  • Reports can be saved for later submission if there’s no internet connection

“We can’t do what we do without you!” added Steve. “You report it, we help sort it!”

New CHIRP website


Where to find the new CHIRP App

Apple Appstore
Google Play


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