6 October 2014
Light aircraft designer and manufacturer CubCrafters has partnered with Aerocet to offer amphibious floats specifically designed for CubCrafters’ CC11 airframes, which include the Carbon Cub SS, Sport Cub S2 and Carbon Cub EX kit models. Aerocet’s Model 1500 Amphibious Floats represent a new design approach for the company and feature an all-carbon fibre hull for light weight (only 245lb) and durability.
“We’ve worked with the Aerocet team on this project for almost three years,” says CubCrafters General Manager, Randy Lervold. “Our CC11 airframe is very special. It is lightweight, but very strong. Our Carbon Cub and Sport Cub models have elevated pilots’ expectations of backcountry aeroplanes. We were determined to offer floats that achieve the same modern standard and we’re thrilled with the result.”
Aerocet’s Model 1500 Amphibious Floats include a carbon fibre version of the company’s double-fluted hull design. The rivet-free construction eliminates leaks and, with all-stainless steel hardware, precludes corrosion. The floats contain six watertight compartments, and large storage lockers can accommodate fuel cans.
<a href=’http://www.cubcrafters.com/’ target=’_blank’>www.cubcrafters.com/</a>