
Edinburgh airspace changes

Airspace changes in the Edinburgh area have been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. Four new Class D Control Areas (CTA’s) will be introduced around the existing Edinburgh Control Zone on 24 November. They replace parts of Class E Scottish TMA in the Glasgow-Edinburgh area. The current Control Zone remains unchanged.

Edinburgh Air Traffic Control will continue to provide radar and non-radar services within the local area, both inside and outside the new zones, to all airspace users.

In conjunction with the establishment of the CTA sectors, revised instrument arrival and departure procedures will be introduced. VFR entry/exit routes and Visual Reference Points remain unchanged.

Details of the changes will be published in Aeronautical Information
Circular 87/2005 (Yellow 177) dated 13 October 2005 and in AIRAC update
12/2005. The changes will be incorporated into 1:250000 Aeronautical Chart ‘The Borders’ (Sheet 4) in April 2006. Amendment of 1:500000 Aeronautical Charts ‘Northern England And Northern Ireland’ (Sheet 2171AB) Edition 28, ‘Scotland’ (Sheet 2150ABCD) Edition 23 and 1:250000 charts Northern Scotland East’ (Sheet 2) and ‘Northern Scotland West’ (Sheet 1) will be completed by August 2006.


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