26 June 2012
An electronic version of the 1:500,000 VFR chart of the London 2012 Olympics airspace changes has now been made available by the CAA and NATS. The chart has been provided to existing distributors of electronic charts for onward distribution, free of charge to existing subscribers.
Paper copies of the 1:500,000 VFR Olympics chart are also being given away free with every purchase of the current 1:500,000 Southern England and Wales VFR chart. Both initiatives are being jointly funded by the CAA, NATS and the Department for Transport as part of an awareness campaign to inform pilots of the airspace changes being put in place for London 2012.
For users of the Airbox Aware GPS devices and iPad app, the chart data is now available for download. The recently launched Aware app replicates the functionality of the Aware device on iPad or iPhone to give real time moving map information to help pilots retain their positional awareness and avoid infringing controlled airspace.
Comprehensive information on the Olympics airspace restrictions, including downloadable charts, leaflets and podcasts, is available at <a href=’http://www.airspacesafety.com/olympics’ target=’_blank’>www.airspacesafety.com/olympics</a>.