
Ex RAF Tucano trainers to be sold

The UK Ministry of Defence, Disposal Services Agency (DSA) will have a number of Ex RAF Tucano T Mk 1 aircraft available for sale next spring. The Tucano T Mk 1 is the RAF’s basic flying trainer. It is modified version of the Embraer Tucano, the principle difference being the use of a Garrett turboprop over the standard Pratt & Whitney engine.
The Tucano was selected in 1985 as a replacement for the RAF’s previous basic flying trainer aircraft, the Jet Provost. The decision to replace the engine used in the standard Embraer model with the Garrett unit caused a number of problems which delayed the introduction of the aircraft, so that it was 1989 by the time it came into service.
In service the Tucano has proven to be 70% cheaper to operate than its predecessor. It has a greater range and endurance than the Jet Provost which allows it to fly two consecutive sorties before being refuelled.

For further information and expressions of interest contact Tina Randall at the DSA, tel, +44 (0) 207 305 3280, e-mail. [email protected]


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