20 May 2024
+VIDEO There’s absolutely nothing ‘normal’ about the electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft from Horizon Aircraft but a large-scale model prototype has just made its first flight.
The Horizon Cavorite X7 can take off and land vertically using 16 electric fans mounted in the wing and canard, then transition to forward flight like a normal aeroplane.
Once the Cavorite X7 reaches a certain height and 115km/hr airspeed, the fans are covered by sliding panels. For landing the fans can be deployed or the aircraft can land on a normal runway.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnj2LWn5qU0[/embedyt]
Brandon Robinson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Horizon, said, “The extremely positive test results continue to validate our innovative technology, our practical approach, and the team’s capability to deliver on our target timeline.
“Over the past several months, Horizon has made incredible progress. I am continually amazed with the technical aptitude of our team as it clears one engineering hurdle after another. The transition flight testing programhas taken significant strides forward, with the aircraft demonstrating impressive stability and control all the way fromhover to approaching transition speeds.”
Horizon’s fan-in-wing design for vertical take-off
A key component of the HOVR Wing is the control system which has proved itself during recent tests, said Horizon.
“This system enables precise hover and performance in strong crosswinds, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride for passengers as well as enhanced stability and control for pilots.”
The 9-seat Cavorite Z7 is undergoing flight tests under Transport Canada’s Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC). Transitional flight tests remain on schedule to be completed by mid-summer.
Propulsion is a hybrid system. The fans are electric and connected to batteries but there is a generator on board to charge them during flight, extending the range to around 800km.