
CAA Christmas movie

Love Actually? No, EU exit GA aircraft maintenance webinar

Just after 2pm, the day before the Christmas weekend and the CAA sends out five emails. If you are of a generous disposition you’ll be thinking our regulators just wanted to clear up a few things before heading off to be fitted for their grinch costumes. If you are wearing your cynical hat, you’ll wonder if someone’s trying to hide something. Better check, just in case. 

Unless you are into offshore commercial Heli ops or EMS ops you can discount two of the five emails, and feel free to strike another if you aren’t planning on using maintained parts from a Singapore approved maintenance facility, but if you want to use parts that have been maintained or refurbished by an EASA approved maintenance facility, or maybe a Canadian one, or you just want to learn more about it, read on…

To cut a very long and detailed story short, this is all about the Brexit fallout as it applies to maintenance and parts and transition periods and recognition of approvals etc.  It’s all changing, or at least should have all been changing on 31 December, but to oversimplify, the CAA has, in certain circumstances, kicked the can down the road a bit.

The good news is, the Authority has produced and released a Christmas movie  ‘EU exit GA aircraft maintenance webinar’. So if you are stuck for something to watch while experiencing the aftermath of too many Brussel sprouts, the CAA has you covered. 

And if you still can’t get to sleep, there’s a whole bunch of ORSAs on the same subject here.


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