September got off to a great start with some fantastic flying weather! Here are some of your photos…
27 September 2023
Chris Palmer: Arriving in Alderney for its annual Fly-In, having crossed the Channel at Calais and then pottered along the French coast at a leisurely 80mph.
Riccardo De Nardis: Refuelling at Portoroz LJPZ.
Steph Smith: Soloed a Tiger Moth as part of her conversion training with Cambridge Flying Group… cue big grin for days! Bucket list item: ticked!
Paul Fraser-Bennison: Landed at Brooklands by invitation of the Museum. This was the slightly daunting view on final approach.
Tiger Flights: Warkworth Castle on the way to the coast.
Tim Cook: Bit of cloud surfing when Mick Ward and I went to Sleap for brekkie.
Matt Lanham : Flying over Leven, in Fife
Steve Hornsby: Night flight into Oxford.
Andy Archer: On his way to Troutbeck. Passing to the east of Helvellyn in the Lake District.
Steve Hornsby: Flying through the rainbow.
Rachel Ramsay: Got my annual heli PC done – and that’s my flying budget wiped for the rest of the year!