Just take a look at where FLYER Club members visited in July 2022!
It’s been a month with some great weather (some might say too hot!), but members and readers have been busy flying all around. Check out some of your photos below.
26 July 2022
Slawomir Marchewka gliding at Andreas on the Isle of Man.
Steve Middleton getting strapped in for a Harvard flight.
Tim Cook flying over the Dams at sunset.
Steven Bakhtiari flying his XA41 over Southport Beach.
Paul Sengupta on his way to SleapKosh.
Nick Goude, Bruce Dean and Eman Al-Hillawi climbing out of Caernarfon Airfield seeking cool air on the hottest day of the year.
More Right Rudder passing Nottingham.
Matt Lanham transiting Edinburgh.
Matt Boddington taking the next generation flying in a Miles Messenger.
Martin Pengelly flying along the Devon coast after visiting the LAA Fly-in at Branscombe.
Maciej Kulaszewski in the TS-11 Spark jet trainer.
Kate Irvine on the way to Dornoch.
Graham Johnstone heading out to fly aerobatics in a Yak 52.
Derek Pake creating another RV grin over Perthshire.
David Leggett getting arty with his camera!
Chris Palmer transiting Gatwick.
Barbara Blythe – Czepulkowski flying an Extra 200.
Andy O'Dell heading home from SleapKosh.
Andy Archer making the most of free T&Gs at BAe Warton in our Eurostar.
Andy Archer crosswind at BAE Warton.
Afandi Darlington – Dent d’Herens on the Italian/Swiss border by glider.