24 June 2006
It’s a fairly remarkable fact, but until recently microlights were not allowed in Switzerland.
However, that’s all changed now (although, apparently to appease the environmental lobby, they’re called ‘Ecolights’, and are limited to the specific enviro-friendly types listed <a href=’http://www.ecolight.ch/NewFiles/Einflug.html’ target=’_blank’>here</a>). Accordingly this weekend the First Swiss Ecolight fly-in is taking place at Mollis in the midst of the Alps.
120 aircraft have registered for the event, from all around Europe, and there are reports of aircraft massing on the borders waiting for the day of the fly-in to arrive…
The Fly-in website is at the <a href=’http://www.ecolight.ch’ target=’_blank’>Swiss Microlight Federation</a> site.