Much updated Tecnam P2006T NG now certified by EASA. This is the Sport version. Photo: Tecnam

Three new models of Tecnam's light twin certified by EASA

Italian aircraft maker Tecnam has received type certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for its updated light twin, the P2006T NG.

In fact, there are three new models of the NG (Next Generation) Tecnam:

  • Standard P2006T NG for fleets such as flight schools
  • P2006T NG Sport, a ‘premium edition’
  • P2006T NG SMP (Special Mission Platform)

It’s the third update to the P2006T since it was first launched 15 years ago, with changes to the power units, engine cowlings, cockpit, doors and cabin windows.

All models of the aircraft are now fitted with fuel-injected Rotax 912iSc3 engines, said to reduce fuel consumption to as little as 14 litres per hour (3.7 USG/h) per engine – and it can operate on unleaded avgas or mogas.

Standard version of Tecnam's newly certified P2006T NG for fleets. Photo: Tecnam
Standard version of Tecnam's newly certified P2006T NG for fleets. Photo: Tecnam
Garmin G1000 NXi avionics are fitted with auto-pilot and electronic protection. Photo: Tecnam
Garmin G1000 NXi avionics are fitted with auto-pilot and electronic protection. Photo: Tecnam

All models of the aircraft are now fitted with fuel-injected Rotax 912iSc3 engines, said to reduce fuel consumption to as little as 14 litres per hour (3.7 USG/h) per engine – and it can operate on unleaded avgas or mogas.

Compared to the P2006T MkII, the P2006T NG has an increased Maximum Take-Off weight of 1290kg (2844 lb) for greater payload.

The P2006T NG introduces a totally redesigned cockpit, with a central console designed to accommodate an FMS GCU477 keyboard, to improve access to the Garmin G1000Nxi avionics. That includes fully digital, 3-axis GFC700 autopilot  with ESP (Electronic Stability and Protection), coupled with the GI 275 stand-by instrument and Garmin’s Flight Stream system for connectivity between tablets, smartphones and the aircraft.

The cabin has four independent doors – one for the pilot, one for the co-pilot/instructor, one for the passengers and one for the baggage compartment – to improve boarding and operations. There’s also a new window design, providing improved visibility, LED winglet-integrated position and navigation lights and LED landing/taxi lights.

Sport premium edition of the Tecnam P2006T NG for private owners. Photo: Tecnam
Sport premium edition of the Tecnam P2006T NG for private owners. Photo: Tecnam

The P2006T NG Sport is aimed at private owners rather than fleets and includes a range of luxury details:

  • Black leather dashboard with soft LED lighting
  • Handmade carbon fibre panels and leather yokes
  • Alcantara headliners and moquette seats
  • Side panels with carbon fibre details

The P2006T NG SMP Special Mission version has a certified power box and hatches, and is aimed at utility operators such as Search and Rescue, Reconnaissance & Surveillance, Border patrol and Aerial mapping.

Giovanni Pascale Langer, Tecnam Managing Director,said,  “First of all, I would like to thank my design and certification team for this great result!

“Today, with this new certification, Tecnam confirms its position as one of the most prolific aircraft manufacturers, as we certify several new designs every year in order to offer our customers the most advanced aircraft.”

Tecnam P2006T NG


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