24 March 2022
Will Plymouth Airport reopen in the near future? FlyPlymouth, the consortium that been working behind the scenes to acquire and reopen the Airport, has issued a public statement, below:
Firstly, the future of the site. More than just a reinstatement of what went before, we see a future-facing mix of net-zero and electric aviation combining passenger services, UAV and logistics to help power growth in Plymouth and the South West.
Alongside transport operations, general and other aviation, Plymouth Airport will become a centre of high-tech and high-wage employment, skills, education and training. Over the coming weeks we will take a detailed look at Plymouth’s potential to play a leading role in the UK’s aerospace and aviation sectors.
Secondly, the potential for future commercial services from Plymouth. What kinds of aircraft will be available? How many people will they carry and how far?
Hard to believe Plymouth Airport was once a thriving aviation community
Over the past ten years technology has moved on. There are presently a fleet of new conventional and electric aircraft in the design and approvals phase that will bring quieter, cleaner future connectivity to the city.
The ATR 42-600 and 600S are about to go into production transforming the opportunities for Plymouth. We will take a look at these and explore how they will benefit Plymouth and the South West.
Third, it takes a great team and capable backers as well as determination to successfully deliver on a vision of this kind. FlyPlymouth has built an expert team with a wealth of experience in their respective fields. We will be introducing you to some of these people and their views on Plymouth’s potential in the coming weeks.
If the ATR 42-600S can operate from that mountain strip, it can definitiely fly in and out of Plymouth’s runway. Photo: ATR
Lastly, we will take a frank look at the obstacles to the site’s reopening as an airport. Not everyone in Plymouth shares this vision. We will unpack what stands in the way of the airport’s reopening and what needs to be done about this. There is a way forward but Plymouth needs to come to an agreement and quickly.
Plymouth Airport has been closed for the past ten years. It is time to focus the conversation on getting the airport open and delivering for Plymouth without further delay.
We ask you to join in the conversation. Get in touch with your comments and questions. We will do our best to answer them.
Let’s get Plymouth Flying!