12 June 2018
ForeFlight’s flagship Integrated Flight Application is available now in Europe, combining flightplanning and in-flight navigation tools with Jeppesen’s European VFR and IFR charts and data.
Foreflight says the app gives pilots a single solution for charts, documents, weather, route planning, briefing, filing, and flying.
Foreflight Europe is reviewed in the August 2018 issue of FLYER.
All subscription plans with the Europe region include Jeppesen’s digital VFR and IFR navigation data, rendered directly on ForeFlight’s data-driven (vector) aeronautical map, as well as AIP procedures, charts, and documents provided via Eurocontrol.
ForeFlight will be on display at AeroExpo UK at Wycombe Air Park this coming weekend, 14-16 June.
“ForeFlight is thrilled to offer pilots in Europe a uniquely powerful and affordable integrated flight application for VFR and IFR flying,” said ForeFlight co-founder and CEO, Tyson Weihs.
“We are combining an array of high-quality European data from Jeppesen and others, our Eurocontrol-integrated flight planning and filing capabilities, and a broad suite of navigation and safety features.
“With one application, pilots can review airport information and maps, NOTAMs, plan and brief flights for pistons or jets, validate and file flight plans with Eurocontrol, navigate complex airspace, avoid terrain and obstacles with hazard alerts and synthetic vision, access traffic and weather in-flight where supported, automatically update databases, and transfer flight plans directly from ForeFlight Mobile into Garmin, Avidyne and Dynon avionics.”
Foreflight’s moving map display, seen here using a German DFS VFR chart.
Runway closed warning.
Airspace profile with planned route on the chart.
Graphical route advisor.
Foreflight on iPad and iPhone using Jeppesen charts.
Jeppesen approach plate and weather.
VFR procedures.
Moving map with glide advisor.
Moving map with airspace profile.
Split screen showing synthetic vision PFD and Jeppesen chart.
Plans & Pricing
ForeFlight offers three plan levels for private pilots: Basic Plus (£79.99 +VAT per year), Pro Plus £159.99 +VAT), and Performance Plus (£239.99 +VAT).
All plans include one region: Europe, US, or Canada. Additional regions can be added for £80 +VAT per year.