9 August 2023
Know a young person who would like to try gliding? The British Gliding Association (BGA) has a series of ‘Go Gliding’ and places are available on one event being staged by the Cambridge Gliding Club.
The event is on Tuesday 12 September, at 0930-1230, 1300-1600 and 1900-2100. The venue is Gransden Lodge Airfield, Little Gransden, Cambs SG19 3EB.
The two three-hour daytime events are designed for school-age pupils with a minimum age of 13-14. There are also STEM activities aimed at Key Stage 3 and 4 attendees.
Each session will finish with a short quiz which will result in some participants being invited to apply for one of two Gliding Scholarships worth £500 each.
The shorter two-hour evening session is similar but aimed at a slightly older group.
The Cambridge event is open to schools, youth groups, cadets and individuals. Each participant must register individually in advance here.
The ‘Go Gliding’ programme is funded by the ‘Reach for the Sky’ programme by the Department of Transport.