20 June 2016
If you are desperately keen to fly helicopters for a living but lack the cash for the training then it’s worth looking at the scholarships being offered by Helicentre Aviation Academy. The company has just announced that its Scholarship programme will run again in 2017 for the fifth year running.
Since Helicentre’s programme started in 2012, a total of 11 pilots have been awarded professional training scholarships valued at more than £300,000, with two more awards due to be made towards the end of this year.
It’s not only the scholarship winners who have benefited. Head of Training and Managing Director Captain Sarah Bowen said, “We launched the programme after identifying a need for pilots, particularly flight instructors, to satisfy our own requirements. We had no idea it would produce such talented, high quality applicants, and has given us the opportunity to work with a fantastic group of individuals who strive to maintain our high training standards..
Previous winners of the Flight Instructor Scholarship have all been offered immediate full-time Instructing positions within the Academy, and winners of the Commercial Pilot Scholarship who have qualified are now flying ad-hoc charter for the company. This has also led to opportunities for the more experienced Scholarship winners to move up into the company’s Utility and Survey roles.
A previous scholarship winner, Callum Tinnion, is now flying professionally for Helicentre. [Photos: Helicentre Aviation Academy]
Two full Scholarships will be awarded in 2017: a Commercial Pilot (CPL(H)) Scholarship with a value of around £55,000 and a Flight Instructor (FI(H)) Scholarship worth £18,000.
The CPL(H) Scholarship will pay for all post-PPL(H) hour building, including the chance to fly some of the hours out of the company’s new base in Orlando, Florida, the CPL/ATPL theoretical knowledge course, as well as the complete CPL(H) modular flying course – a total of up to 140 hours flight time in the Cabri G2.
The FI(H) Scholarship will cover the entire cost of the winner’s Flight Instructor course and will include a full time Instructing position on completion. The scope of funding and opportunity provided is unlike any other Scholarship of its kind.
Callum Tinnion, one of the 2015 winners, said, “It’s an incredible opportunity which has made it possible for me to complete all my training up to Flight Instructor without having to worry about finances. As part of the award I’ve even been offered a full-time position straight out of training – it feels amazing to be part of such a great operation which offers so much in terms of experience and opportunity to move up within the industry.”
Entry criteria and application deadlines can be found here where you can also register your interest to join the 2016 or 2017 Scholarship programmes.