
How is 2023 going for the CAA's General Aviation Unit?


The latest ‘school report’ on the work of the UK CAA’s General Aviation Unit so far this year has just been released and it has “been an exceptionally busy one for the unit,” said Michael Macdonald, co-head of the unit.

The GA Unit says its achievements over the first quarter include:

  • British Gliding Association (BGA) to act as a Delegated Authority for the initial issue of a Sailplane Pilot’s Licence. Read more
  • CAA’s response to the consultation on Licensing and Training Simplification. Read more
  • Revised British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Section S – Microlight and Small Light Aeroplanes issue 8 which introduces changes following the 2021 revision of the UK microlight aeroplane definition. Read more
  • New edition of Flying Display Pilot Authorisation and Evaluation: Requirements and Guidance(CAP1724). Read more
  • VHF Low Level (LL) Common Frequency is permanently introduced in the UK. Details of the LL Common Frequency can be found in AIC P 047/2023
  • The GA Unit team attended Private Flyer in May and AeroExpo in June, where it presented an update on the work of the GA Change Programme. Watch the presentation here
  • Survey on experience of active carbon monoxide detectors. Click here
  • General Aviation Partnership meeting was held in May. Meeting notes CAP232006  and Meeting presentation CAP232006A available. More here
  • CAA’s Just Culture update. Read more
  • Safety Sense Leaflets updated: Distraction, Piston Engine Icing and Aerobatics. More here
  • Series of podcasts. Listen here
  • Safety campaign to highlights the risks of flying over active gliding sites. Watch here
  • Clued-Up article on the UK Airspace Access/Refusal of ATS Report Form. More here
  • For the full catalogue of Clued Up articles click here.

The GA Unit has also worked with Astral Aviation Consulting on various GA Safety promotions. They include:

  • Workshop: GA drop in clinic. More here
  • Workshop: Skill fade. More here
  • Registration is now open for the next workshop on Tech. Click here

CAA General Aviation Unit


New CAA Safety Sense leaflet on Aerobatics has just been released


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