
Jodel free to fly out of Plymouth

The Jodel 120 trapped at closed Plymouth Airport has been cleared to fly out as soon as the weather permits – possibly this Friday. Sutton Harbour Holdings, leaseholder of the airport, has agreed to let Martin Ferid, the aircraft owner and pilot who made the landing, to return and fly the aircraft out.

In a letter to Charles Strasser of AOPA, Sutton Harbour Holdings (SHH) chairman Graham Miller, says, “I very much hope he [Martin Ferid] will be able to take off again from the airfield this Friday weather permitting and be safely on his way. I completely agree with you that a precautionary landing was his best course of action in what sounds like an emergency situation.”

Mr Miller went on to say it took longer than SHH or Mr Ferid would have liked to get the Jodel’s airworthiness and insurance indemnities properly documented – finalised yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Mr Miller also confirmed no fees whatsoever will be charged by SHH.

Finally, Mr Miller confirmed that SHH will be updating its protocols for emergency landings “and we will be far better prepared for such an eventuality on a future occasion. That said, we have to emphasise that this site is no longer a functioning airport.”


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