30 March 2020
The Light Aircraft Association is continuing to plan the 2020 LAA Rally on 4, 5 and 6 September, despite the current Coroonavirus lockdown.
One theme of the event will be a ‘Radial Roundup’ with an invitation to owners of radial-powered aircraft from around the UK and Europe.
There will also be the customary exhibition marquees, the ever-popular ‘Speakers Corner’ and manufacturer displays, as well as several hundred visiting aircraft on each day of Europe’s biggest fly-in event.
“While Covid-19 precautions look set to decimate the early part of the flying season, we are still sufficiently optimistic to continue our planning for the LAA Rally as a late summer highlight,” said LAA Rally Chairman Eryl Smith.
“In the meantime, as we face much wider challenges, we hope the LAA Rally will provide some much-needed light at the end of the tunnel.”
For anyone looking after bored kids, stuck at home during the lockdown and closed schools, the LAA has launched a new Aviation Art Competition for young people.
The competition is sponsored by the Light Aircraft Association, the Shuttleworth Collection and the Guild of Aviation Artists.
Entries are in three age categories: 5-8, 9-12 and 13-15. They can be drawn, painted or computer generated. Entries should be posted to:
Turweston Aerodrome
Northants NN13 5YD
by Tuesday 30 June 2020. Selected entries will be displayed on the LAA’s Facebook page and website in the coming weeks.
Later, they will be judged by experts from the LAA, Shuttleworh Collection and the Guild of Aviation Artists. Prizes will include tickets for the prize winner and family to visit one of the Shuttleworth Collection’s spectacular air shows at Old Warden in Bedfordshire.
Anne Hughes, LAA Art Competition Coordinator, said, “We hope that, in these difficult times, this competition will inspire the pilots, engineers or designers of the future to continue to look toward the world of aviation and perhaps give parents something different to keep their kids busy! Meantime, I hope everyone has some fun creating their piece of artwork!