Mack ‘Solo’ Rutherford has successfully completed his round-the-world flight in a Shark microlight.
British-Belgian 17-year-old Mack has set two new world records, already acknowledged by the Guinness Book of Records:
- Youngest person to fly around the world solo. Previous record holder: Travis Ludlow
- Youngest person to fly around the world solo in an ultralight (microlight) aircraft. Previous record holder: Zara Rutherford
Mack landed at Sofia, Bulgaria, home of his main sponsor ICDSoft, after on Wednesday afternoon, to be welcomed by his flying mad family, including Zara.

Mack has set two new world records
His team issued these stats about his flight:
- Total time of circumnavigation: 142 days – 5 months and 1 day (Zara took 5 months and 2 days)
- Total distance: 29,225nm (54,124km)
- Total time in the air: 221 hours
- Takeoffs/landings: 68
- Longest flight: 10 hours Japan-USA
- Longest flight over water: 10 hours Japan-USA
- Highest altitude: 12,500ft Mexico
- Continents visited: 4
- Countries visited: 30
- Highest temperature: +48C
- Lowest temperature: -12C
- Age at time of record: 17 years, 2 months and 2 days/current record holder, Travis Ludlow: 18 years and 5 months (150 days). Mack breaks the record by approx 1 year and 3 months
- Aircraft: Shark Aero, one of the fastest ultralight aircraft in the world (up to 300 km/h), designed in the Czech Republic and manufactured in Slovakia.
Mack Solo website