
New owner of Thruxton 'loves the bones of this place!'

Thruxton Aerodrome and motor racing circuit
Thruxton Aerodrome and motor racing circuit

Thruxton Aerodrome has a new owner. City financier Alex Thistlethwayte has bought the 440-acre Thruxton site including the motor racing circuit and aerodrome – the first time it has changed hands in 60 years.

But with airfields all round the country under threat from developers, Thruxton appears to be in safe hands.

Mr Thistlethwayte’s interest is mostly motor racing  – he races classic cars including a 1965 Ford Mustang V8. Thruxton Circuit comprises not only the circuit around the perimeter track, one of the fastest in the UK, but also an outdoor karting track, skid pan and 4×4 centre.

However, it appears he appreciates aviation too. Aerofab Restorations is one of several businesses based on the aerodrome, and Mr Thistlethwayte spoke to them on the day of the handover of ownership.

“Racers and pilots are very similar in their passions,” Alex is reported to have said. “They’re all a bit geeky like me and hugely passionate about what they do.

“It’s only been the last 10 years or so that I’ve really got into racing,” he continued.

“I like older racing, the classic stuff. I have a few V8s including a Mustang, a Cobra, a couple of Aston Martins and there’s an old Camaro somewhere.

“It’s going to take a while, but I want to build a really strong community here. This isn’t a buy-it and sell-it project for me. I want something I can leave to my children and my grandchildren. I’d love my great-grandchildren and generations to come to enjoy this place.

“I want to see events here that are really high quality and provide the kind of service the aerodrome and motorsport community can be proud to be part of. I love the bones of this place, it’s got so much potential!”

Apparently future plans include a museum to celebrate the heritage of the site, classic car storage, and maintenance and restoration services.

It’s also possible that the runway could be extended to allow aircraft such as a Pilatus PC-12 to operate there, plus more hangarage for General Aviation for light aviation is also possible.

Read the full interview here


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