27 April 2021
A group of campaigners against a new grass airfield in Kent has issued a video likening the pilots involved to the Nazi leadership.
The outrageous and offensive video is on the YouTube channel of Chocks Go Away. It shows Hitler and the Nazi hierarchy discussing a battle plan with sub-titles about the farm strip.
Chocks Go Away has already poisoned local opinion with a campaign based on misinformation and lies.
The proposed farm strip is at Little Mongeham near Deal in Kent, on land owned by local farmer Richard Ledger. The airfield plan is being brought together by local pilots, including Nic Orchard and Steve Hoskins, who are among those displaced when Maypole Airfield closed last year.
Top: the farm strip plan as submitted to Dover District Council. Above: the fields where it will be located
The plan is to create an idyllic grass strip airfield with facilities for recharging electric aircraft and house up to 20 light aircraft. However, it has gone sour before the planning application has even been published.
On Monday, the team behind Little Mongeham Airfield, near Deal, Kent was told by Dover District Council that more information was required to validate the application and thus make it public.
So what is the plan?
Nic Orchard said, “The aim is to encourage people into the area, which is rich with history, flora and fauna, walking and cycling trails, [and] engage fully with the community with regard to youth organisations [and] charity support.”
If the coal mines were going too reopen and create thousands of jobs these people would protest.
Most of them are londoners and other who moved in and want their cafe culture and imaginary utopia.
Most of the original locals have been driven out by high property prices.
This was traditionally a working area/town.
Well done and good fortune for Anyone that wants to encourage GA.
When this airfield gets its planning permission I will be one of the first to visit it in my very quiet 2 seater aircraft.
As for the locals opposed to the idea I would like them to observe the true facts concerning their objections and then maybe comprises can be agreed between all parties.
As in my above post, its usually these DFLs and other incomers who whine about everything.
They even complain about horse droppings on roads and bridle paths.
Crop spraying and muck spreading is a crime to them.
Born and bred locals are fed up with these anoraks and trendys.
All my friends children have had to leave because the property price rises and no jobs.
Its clear to see nobody commenting lives local, not one of you seem to take in to account or even attempt to take in to consideration the impact this will have on people in anyone of the 5 surrounding villages.
People such as ourselves have spent our entire lives working towards being able to move to an idyllic rural community, and we have a right to feel upset that something like this will now interrupt the peace and quiet.
Is it really unfair for us as locals to find it hard to understand that there are plenty of well established small airfields in Kent that can undertake your needs as light air craft pilots??
Why is there really need for a new airfield?
Wouldn’t a fair compromise be for you guys to use one of these established airports?
There is a grass airfield less than 3 miles away at waldershere, can this not be expanded??
I do not agree with the videos zne the slander. But you as a collective must be able to see both sides.
Kind regards
When I first came across this on an obscure page on a local web-rag…
I was expecting to see the revival of Maplin Sands or Boris Island. An-225’s on finals and all that. Have I missed something? A trifle misleading perhaps…