
General Aviation Awareness Council on a new approach

One of GAAC's main objectives is to look after UK airfields. This is Old Buckenham where Matt Wilkins is manager. Image: Google Earth

There’s new energy at the long-standing General Aviation Awareness Council with a new chairman, a new prospectus outlining priorities and a response to a government consultation on planning.

The council, known as GAAC, says its role is protecting and promoting all General Aviation activities.

The new chairman, Matt Wilkins, was voted in by the GAAC board in late September, succeeding Charles Henry who is to become vice president.

Matt Wilkins is the new chairman of GAAC

Matt Wilkins is the new chairman of GAAC

Matt has been an aerodrome operator for more than 13 years at Old Buckenham in Norfolk and is active across a range of GA organisations. His other roles include:

  • Deputy chair, Airfield Operators Group
  • Chairman, British Air Display Association
  • Chairman, Airfields Working Group of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Aviation (APPGA)
  • Head of a GA working group for the CAA ‘Combined Aerodrome Safeguarding Team’ (CAST) which has prepared a number of guidance documents for GA airfields.
  • A Flying Display Director at IWM Duxford.

GAAC prospectus

GAAC’s new prospectus “will form the basis of our ongoing discussions and representations to both government and regulator”.

The prospectus can be downloaded here.

National Planning Policy Framework Consultation

GAAC has responded to the Government’s consultation on the new draft NPPF with assistance from Ann Bartaby. The full transcript of that response can be downloaded here.

“Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the consultation for GA is in respect of the Government placing more weight on the use of ‘brownfield’ land for housing in the context of an historic error which can be interpreted as airfields being classified as ‘brownfield’,” said GAAC’s statement.

“General Aviation Airfields should not be considered to be ‘suitable brownfield land’,” says GAAC’s response.

“Firstly, poor quality drafting, rather than deliberate action, downgraded their original protection and importance in planning policy.

“Secondly, because the NPPF 2018 has now introduced strong and explicit policy support for General Aviation – for its economic value, support for business, use for leisure, training and emergency services.

“And, thirdly because it is now recognised that General Aviation Airfields constitute a substantial infrastructure asset which will only increase in importance.”

Old Buckenham Aerodrome is home to a hugely successful airshow

Old Buckenham Aerodrome is home to a hugely successful airshow

Matt Wilkins, the new Chairman, said, “Were it not for the work of the GAAC, a great many more GA Aerodromes would have joined the list of those which have closed in the last few decades.

“I’m extremely grateful for the work that Charles Henry, the Board and its planning consultants have done over that time and I am looking forward to ensuring that the vital and unique work the GAAC undertakes in defence of aerodromes continues, made possible by the many organisations we count as supporters.”

General Aviation Awareness Council


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