27 May 2020
Italian manufacturer Tecnam has announced a new version of its state-of-the-art four-seater, the P2010, powered by Continental’s latest 170hp turbodiesel engine.
It means the Tecnam P2010 is now available with a choice of three powerplants and fuel types: 180hp and able to operate on unleaded mogas, the 215hp avgas-burning version and now the 170hp TDI burning Jet A or diesel fuel.
Tecnam says it expects the EASA type certificate for the P2010 TDI in July. Customers are expected to be flight schools and private owners.
The P2010 is a modern high-tech aircraft of both metal and composite construction. The fuselage and vertical fin are made of pre-preg carbon fibre while the wings, horizontal tail and rudder, as well as all the load-carrying structures, are light alloy.
Garmin G1000 NXI flight deck is fully integrated with the Continental CD-170 and its single power lever system
The aircraft is fitted with crashworthy seats able to absorb up to 26G and Garmin’s G1000 NXi glass cockpit and GFC 700 autopilot, which is integrated and tuned around the Continental CD-170, full FADEC and single-lever controlled engine.
“The P2010 remains a modern aircraft for flight schools and private owners,” says Paolo Pascale, Tecnam CEO.
“With the Continental’s jet/diesel engine, the P2010 TDI is simply the ‘ideal aircraft’, combining a modern, sleek, ‘green’ design with consistent, robust power.”
On a historical note, Tecnam’s very first aircraft, the Astore P48, built in 1948, was powered by a Continental engine — the A65.
Fast Facts
Max weight 1160kg
Empty weight 795kg
Useful load 365kg
Max cruise speed 136kt
Cruise speed at 75% @ 9000ft 132ktas
Stall speed (flaps down) 52kt
Ceiling 19,500ft
Fuel burn:
Example 1: 25 litres/hour @ 75% power @ 9000ft
Example 2: 9.5 litres/hour @60% power @ 6000ft
Range 1050nm
Takeoff distance 580m
Landing distance 540m
Great to see the Continental CD-170 being installed to benefit from:
1. Jet-A at half the price of MoGas
2. Reduced fuel consumption of just 25 litres per hour at 75% power
3. Increased range to 1,050 NM
4. Turbocharger to permit higher altitudes, speeds and efficiency at FL180
5. FADEC simplicity like a car from . . . . a small Mercedes-Benz car engine
6. Smoothness like a car from . . . . a small Mercedes-Benz car engine
7. Quietness like a car from . . . . a small Mercedes-Benz car engine
Question is, can this be retrofitted to an old P2010 with a Lycoming engine ?
After Tecnam went to the trouble to make the fuselage and fin out of carbon composites, it would be nice to see Tecnam:
1. Make the wing out of carbon and/or e-glass and finally ditch the draggy 1930s wing strut; and
2. Permit the gear to be retracted up into the fuselage after take off.
These 2 structural/aerodynamic improvements could increase the cruise from 135 KTAS to 165 KTAS, at FL90, and break 190 KTAS, sniffing O2 at FL180.
That would be quite impressive for 2 adults sat side by side, in a certified aircraft, sipping 25 litres of Jet-A per hour.