FLYER Club Latest

Wednesdays at 3pm: Time for Skivestream

Join the FLYER team for Skivestream on Wednesdays
Join the FLYER team for Skivestream on Wednesdays

Yes, every Wednesday, Ian and Ed* turn up at our little studio at Wadswick Farm Airstrip in Wiltshire to take part in a 30-minute livestream which is nicknamed, ‘Skivestream’.

It’s just for FLYER Club members who have a special URL link emailed to them so they can watch and join in. It’s very informal, just a chat among like-minded aviators about what’s going on at the moment. That could be stuff FLYER is doing, or just what’s in the news. No electioneering we promise!

The link is also posted in a special FLYER Club members forum, and on the member’s dashboard as well, just in case you miss the email.

Join us any Wednesday!

* Just occasionally, Ian or Ed may be unavailable and another member of the FLYER team may step in.


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