
Widespread support for CAA's pilot licensing changes

Training for a PPL(A) and maintaining it could become simpler with the CAA's proposals. Photo: Freedom Aviation
Training for a PPL(A) and maintaining it could become simpler with the CAA's proposals. Photo: Freedom Aviation

There’s widespread support for the CAA’s proposed changes to simplify pilot licensing, according to the results of the public consultation run by the authority earlier this year.

The CAA said it had received 640 responses to the consultation, and most were largely positive.


  • The PPL(A) qualifying experience: The CAA received strong support for the proposed changes, including making the PPL qualifying experience more flexible and allowing credit from flight time previously gained on microlights.
  • Class rating system: Most respondents were in favour of examining this area further.
  • Sub-ICAO aeroplane licence: Most favoured adopting a single sub-ICAO licence for the UK.
  • Class rating revalidation: Most favoured retaining a flight experience element for the revalidation of the SEP, TMG and microlight class ratings, and alignment of the requirements across all three ratings.
  • Theoretical knowledge: Feedback on the number of PPL exams, and support for changes to exam pass validity periods.
  • Other subjects (Instrument Rating, sailplane and aerobatic ratings, and the use of non-Part 21 aircraft):  Support for all proposals.

Reduced flight time for a PPL(A)

Among the more controversial items is the proposal to reduce the flight time required for a PPL(A) to 40 hours (from 45), and to introduce a 35 hour PPL available only at Approved Training Organisations. That’s most likely to benefit student pilots going for a professional licence.

A proposal to reduce the number of Theoretical Knowledge exams for the PPL(A) to seven (from nine) was also broadly supported with 49% in favour. That’s likely to go ahead with the Air Law exam merging with Operational Procedures, and elements of Flight Performance and Planning merged with Navigation and Aircraft General Knowledge. The overall number of questions would remain the same.

A much larger proportion, 65%, were in favour of discontinuing new UK PPL and higher licences under the Air Navigation Order, thus simplifying the licence system.

The full consultation response document can be downloaded here.

A summary of the planned changes can be downloaded here.


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