
Cessna Light Sport Aircraft gets go-ahead

Cessna has today announced that it is to go ahead with its new Light Sport Aircraft program, and will unveil a full-scale mock-up at the EAA AirVenture fly-in later this month at Oshkosh.

“It is clear to us there is a great need for this aircraft as we strive to drive down the cost of flying and learning to fly,” said CEO Jack Pelton. “We believe this aircraft will make a major contribution to stimulating new pilot starts and will encourage already-licensed pilots to continue to fly because it will be more affordable.”

“We have developed a business case that makes sense; we have incorporated several innovative features into the design; and we believe we can deliver the finest aircraft in the category, combined with our extensive customer service, flight training and distribution networks, at an attractive price,” Pelton said.

The Light Sport Aircraft category maximum defines a gross takeoff weight of less than 600 kg, a maximum airspeed in level flight of 120 kt, a maximum stall speed of 45 kt; one or two seats; fixed undercarriage and fixed-pitch or ground adjustable propeller; and a single reciprocating engine.

Cessna has been working on the LSA project for around 18 months now. The proof-of-concept airframe first flew last October.


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