
FLYER Club Members: join the fun at Leicester

Leicester Airport
Leicester Airport

Calling all FLYER Club Members! We’re planning a mini fly-in for club members on 9 September 2023 at Leicester Airport.

It would be great if you could join us. We’ll be there from mid morning until late afternoon, and we’ll even buy you a cuppa! Not a member, join now – click here!

Although there’s no long list of formal activities, we are planning a kind of reverse Fantasy Hangar (Livestream viewers will know all about this). We come up with the category, you choose the aeroplane for your fantasy hangar, and this time we pick the winners (and may have something to say about the non-winners too!)

There’s even rumour of a prize or three (but it’s the glory that counts!)

We look forward to welcoming all FLYER Club Members on Saturday 9 September at Leicester Airport! Please PPR via phone on 0116 2592360 or by radio from 10 miles out, and the landing fee is payable to the airport.

Please let us know if you are planning to come along – and why wouldn’t you? – just to give us an idea of how many to expect… and how much coffee to brew!

Click here to RSVP!

Leicester Airport


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