
FSB fights for future of Sheffield City Airport

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is supporting a campaign to defer the development of the former Sheffield City Airport site.
The FSB believes that further urgent consideration should be given to the potential for the future of commercial aviation in the city, and is gathering signatures to a petition that would force the city council to debate the issue. The Federation has written to MPs and local councillors in Sheffield and Rotherham to urge them to listen to the voice of business on the issue of regional aviation policy and to express unambiguous support for the urgent need for regional growth in the industry, which is otherwise failing. According to the FSB, ‘aviation in South Yorkshire is in a terminal nose-dive in comparison to other regions in the UK’.
FSB Regional Chairman, Gordon Millward commented “It is our considered opinion that a regional airport will be of infinitely greater value than yet another business park to the future development of the City Region. There is business property everywhere standing vacant and acres of land all around the region to build more if we need it. What the region needs more than anything else at this time is an urban airport to bring in the businesses and investment to drive the regeneration. This development will complement the continued operation of the Robin Hood Airport, as the two address totally different markets.”
An online petition and further details about how you can support the campaign can be found at <a href=’ ‘ target=’_blank’> </a>


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