
Govt says 'No' to airfields change but 'Yes' to network

Tollerton Airfield, also known as Nottingham City Airport
Tollerton Airfield, also known as Nottingham City Airport

“No change”. That’s the government’s response to the petition asking for airfields to be reclassified as greenfield sites, rather than brownfield.

The petition quickly passed the 10,000 votes in favour required to prompt a government reply but the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) said, “We are not seeking to alter airfield classification at this current time.”

However, the DLUHC did point out that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) emphasises that planning policies should recognise the importance of maintaining a national network of GA airfields.

“The NPPF is a material consideration in planning decisions, and each application is judged on its individual merits,” said the DLUHC.

“Airfield buildings and their curtilage are currently regarded as brownfield land. However, as the policy above makes clear, it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage of a brownfield site should be developed.

“Applications for the reuse or redevelopment of airfields must also be considered in the context of wider national policy and account should be taken of the Government’s General Aviation Strategy.”

Sarah Deacon of the Save Nottingham City (Tollerton) Airfield campaign, who started the petition, is upbeat however. She highlighted the statement about the importance of maintaining a national network of GA airfields.

“Our petition has had a response from the Government – and it is really good,” said Sarah on the campaign’s Facebook page.

“Please can we all get on to our local councillors and the Planning Portal to emphasise this, in the context that Rushcliffe has over delivered on its housing targets year on year (122% at present) so this site is not needed to meet the targets.”



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