
Mahindra C-NM5's maiden flight

The prototype of the Mahindra C-NM5 light aircraft has successfully completed its maiden flight. The 45-minute flight of the five-seat, Lycoming IO-540 powered, all-metal aircraft took place at GippsAero’s facilities near Melbourne in Australia – GippsAero is owned by Mahindra. Subsequent flights have evaluated aircraft stability and control in different flight regimes. Developmental flight testing and evaluations are continuing, with the ultimate objective of achieving Type Certification in keeping with international regulatory standards, followed by a global sales and marketing programme.
“The C-NM5’s first flight symbolizes our commitment to taking a concept from dream to reality. This is the first flight on a journey which we hope will take us far into the utility aircraft space and help us fulfil a need in developing economies world-wide. A journey that would not have come as far, were it not for the teamwork between our strong technological partners, CSIR-NAL, our experienced colleagues in Mahindra Aerospace and its Australian subsidiary GippsAero” said Mr. Hemant Luthra, Chairman, Mahindra Aerospace Pvt. Ltd.

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