
Polly finishes round-Britain flight

Polly Vacher has finished her mammoth round-Britain (or rather, all-over-the-UK) flight in which she landed at all the airfields listed in the Jeppesen flight manual.

In all, Polly visited 221 airfields in 11 weeks, clocked up 19,000 nm, logged 130 flying hours and carried 160 passengers, of whom 96 were disabled. [ thanks, Aer-Babe] (The whole project was in aid of <a href=’’ target=’_blank’>Flying Scholarships for the Disabled</a> and to promote disabled flying generally.)

All at FLYER send our hearty congratulations to Polly and her tireless crew on the achievement.

There’ll be a round-up of Polly’s adventure in the next (September) issue of FLYER, with an in-depth account of two amazing touch-and-goes.


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