
QFE officially scrubbed

Well, sort of. The CAA has issued an ATSIN (Air Traffic Services Information Notice) – <a href=’’ target=’_blank’>ATSIN Number 103</a> which says that as of 10 May this year a slightly revised procedure will come into effect.

This says that:
<blockquote>Aircraft are to be given the appropriate QNH prior to commencing an approach. When requested by the pilot, or local procedures require, the appropriate QFE and aerodrome or threshold elevation shall also be given</blockquote>

The traditional arrangement is that an aircraft on approach would be given the QFE where appropriate. However, this usage has increasingly fallen into disuse, and is “not in line with ICAO recommendations”.

This change will be reflected in all future documentation.

Note that if you want the QFE, you can still request it.


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