
RocketRoute introduces real-time Flight Tracking

RocketRoute has introduced real-time Flight Tracking for flights in Europe. This new service is available immediately for all paid-members. A free 14 day trial is available for operators and pilots interested in a trial of the service.
Real-time flight tracking has become essential for jet operators to follow their charter flights, for airlines to monitor flight schedules and for pilot-owners to keep family and friends informed. RocketRoute now brings this solution which covers flight planning, briefing, filing, dispatch and now tracking.
To deliver this service, RocketRoute interfaces with Eurocontrol and stores ATC aircraft position data. This is then presented as an overlay on top of the planned route showing Scheduled versus Actual Flight paths, times and distances.
Post-flight, an operator or pilot can review their flight track and can quickly identify routing differences that can then be factored into future flights and fuelling requirements. RocketRoute also provides a record of Flight Time and Off-Block Time in one integrated system – ideal for any operator to track and help manage their fleet.
RocketRoute’s future plans are to add flight tracking for more regions of the world and to integrate with leading satellite tracking providers broadening the service to meet worldwide customer needs.
An example flight track by one of RocketRoute’s members is available for review at the following link: <a href=’ ‘ target=’_blank’> </a>
RocketRoute has built the Flight Tracking Service using its deep knowledge of the aviation industry and of Eurocontrol system and services.
Visit <a href=’ ‘ target=’_blank’> </a> for more information.


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