
SkyDemon 3 for iPad, iPhone, Android and PC

SkyDemon has announced the immediate availability of SkyDemon 3 for iPad, iPhone, Android and PC.
A statement from the company explains, “This version is the first to add iPhone support, which we have introduced due to popular demand. Our iOS product was originally developed specifically for iPad, with the smaller screen of the iPhone being less suitable for a full-featured planning and navigation app. After many weeks of effort, virtually the entire SkyDemon user interface has been customised to run perfectly on iPhone.”
SkyDemon 3 also introduces a “real-time fuel prices feature” which is the first social feature to be used in SkyDemon. According to SkyDemon, whenever users fill up with fuel, pilots can let SkyDemon know how much was paid. Fuel prices can then be overlaid on the SkyDemon chart, enabling every subscriber to instantly see how much fuel costs across Europe and worldwide. The company explains, “Already, hundreds of fuel prices have been reported across many different countries and currencies. In addition, it is now possible to specify that your aircraft can accept UL91 fuel, and users then see the cheapest UL91 prices on the map where available.”
The latest version also includes enhanced airfield information. For more information about SkyDemon 3 and subscriptions, visit
FLYER will be putting SkyDemon 3 to the test in an issue coming soon.


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