
Wingly to hold webinar on cost-sharing rule changes

Wingly cost-sharing webinar

The flight cost-sharing service offered by Wingly – where people looking for a flight are put in touch with pilots – is understood to be under threat from changes to the regulations being considered by the UK CAA.

Wingly says the proposed changes would close down all cost-sharing platforms in the UK, not just Wingly, while they would continue across Europe.

Does that sound fair? Like to know more?

Wingly is holding a Zoom webinar on the subject next week, on Tuesday 17 October at 7pm. Guest speakers are Julian Scarfe of PPL/IR and Martin Robinson of AOPA.

“We will explain why the regulation proposal would make Wingly and all platforms shut down in the UK,” said Wingly.

“We will give a summary of our failed negotiation with the CAA and the DfT, and give you the keys to fight for your rights by activating the MP of your constituency. We will also be happy to answer any questions.”

To secure a place on the webinar, fill out the sign-up form on the link below, and Wingly will send instructions for joining the webinar.

Sign-up link :


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