
World microlight champs start at Popham

The 2016 FAI World Microlight and Paramotor Championships have arrived at Popham Airfield, near Basingstoke, Hampshire.

Practice and training flights are already taking place at the picturesque airfield with the competition officially this coming weekend. The event is being staged by the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA).

The Opening Ceremony is on Saturday 20 August from 11:00, followed by the first of the flying competitions. The Championships culminate the following weekend on Saturday 27 August with the Awards and Closing Ceremony at 11.00.

Popham microlight world championships

Both flexwing and (top) fixed-wing microlights will be taking part at the Popham event.

Each class of microlights and paramotors will fly a series of tasks throughout the week, depending on the weather conditions. Both groups of aircraft fly tasks consisting of Navigation, Precision, and Economy.

Navigation involves long-distance flying in which pilots typically cross a start gate and navigate a route through a series of waypoints and turn points over a period of up to 90 minutes for paramotors and more for microlights. Every aircraft carries an official GPS logger. On arrival back at the airfield, the data is downloaded to check flight tracks and award points.

Precision involves landing tasks such as spot landings, engine switched off at a certain height and gliding to land on a specific target. Additionally, for paramotors, there’s a slalom-based course of inflatable pylons or poles.

Economy comprises taking off with a measured quantity of fuel and using thermals to fly for as long as possible whilst still being able to return to the airfield.

Note: a notam has been issued warning of the mass movement of aircraft.

Notam Popham world championships

A notam has been issued for the championships at Popham. Image: Sky Demon Light

World Microlight and Paramotor Championships 2016


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