Special Feature

Electronic Conspicuity and EGNOS: behind closed doors

A couple of years ago, FLYER‘s Ian Seager made Freedom of Information requests to the CAA and Department for Transport on various subjects including Electronic Conspicuity and EGNOS.

Given recent EC announcements (see news story here) we thought we’d provide some background context, so here are the results of those requests, presented just as they arrived, for FLYER readers to peruse.

Feel free to comment below or in the FLYER Forum.


EC Devices Fund

EC Devices Fund 2: Minutes from board meeting

Reply to 23 November 2020 FOI request

Dept for Transport

SoS Transport Grant Shapps on EGNOS departure

Clued Up article spend

DfT reply to 23 November 2020 FOI request

EC grant for IT solution

Electronic Conspicuity Devices Grant Fund Scheme


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